What’s the exact present time in India now

Time in India

What is the current local time in India right now and what is the date in India today? If you are looking for answers to these questions, below on this page you can view the exact present time in India (IST) including seconds, minutes and hours, and more relevant information about India standard time.

Time in India

The current local time in India now is 02:46:22.

Date in India

Today’s date in India is 18/12/23.

My local time

And the exact time on your computer or mobile device is 23:35:11.

Notice that you can load the page again to refresh the live real time Indian clock.

India time: IST

India Standard Time

India Standard Time

The time zone in india is called IST which referred to India standard time or IT which referred to India time, and it’s the same time zone as in Sri Lanka. The IST time zone is used in Asia and it is 5:30 hours ahead of coordinated universal time which stands for UTC.

The IST is the standard time in Mumbai, Delhi and New Delhi, Kolkata, Chennai, Bangalore and in all of the other cities and villages around India.

About timeinindia.org

This website displays the actual accurate present time now in india using a live clock, we are here to serve you and others with the most accurate result, you can read more about this site. If you have any questions you can contact us by email. You may also be interested to read the terms of service for the usage of this site.

Thank you, the TimeInIndia providers team.

Times of India

This site answers the following questions:

  • What is the time in india now?
  • What is the time and date in India right now?
  • What is the present time in India now?
  • What is the time in Mumbai, India now?
  • What is the time in Delhi, India now?
  • What is the time in Kerala, India now?
  • What is the time in Hyderabad, India now?